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The difference between traditional acupuncture and marmapuncture is that the former is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine and the concept of qi, yin and yang and the latter is based on the principles of Ayurveda, chakras and dosha. The points are very similar to one another although marmapuncture can involve several extra points which correlate to specific chakras of the body.
I had been having acupuncture weekly for back pain for a few years. If I missed my weekly session, the pain would be noticed. But with marmapuncture I just need a session every 6 to 12 weeks. Pain fr
"I had been having
acupuncture weekly for b..."..."
Suresh C - 02/01/2021
I had severe allergies and congestion and required antihistamine nasal sprays every couple of hours. After just 3 sessions, I no longer needed these sprays. I have marmapuncture monthly because it wor
"I had severe allergies and
congestion and required a..."..."
Jim M - 22/01/2021
I had chronic pain for years & was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Antidepressants and pain medication did not work. Out of desperation but with much skepticism, I tried this "wonder therapy". It worked!
"I had chronic pain for years
& was diagnosed with fibro..."..."
Rita B - 04/06/2021
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